

Where do I find information on COVID-19 procedures in 威尼斯官网在线?

What guidance does 威尼斯官网在线 follow to determine health and safety procedures for COVID-19?

威尼斯官网在线以下 疾病预防控制中心对K-12学校的COVID-19建议,每 联合指导 from the Maryland State Department of Education and Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and MDH’s school guide for 传染病. Community health strategies are planned in coordination with the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.

What changes have been made to 威尼斯官网在线 COVID-19 health procedures this school year?

返校的消息 on the Information Portal describes changes to COVID-19 school procedures for this school year. 的 most significant change is that students and staff members no longer have to use the online reporting tool and can inform their school or program about an absence due to COVID-19. We continue to rely on the same core health strategies to prevent infectious disease and apply COVID-19-specific measures temporarily to limit spread in high-risk situations or a suspected outbreak after a case investigation.

If the online self-reporting tool for COVID-19 has been retired, how will 威尼斯官网在线 know how COVID-19 is affecting the school community?

学校 collect attendance data, including the reason for absences. 威尼斯官网在线 will rely on school reports for outbreak monitoring and examine trends in illness-related absences at the system and school level. Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services continues to track county-level COVID-19 case rates and hospital metrics and conduct wastewater surveillance.  



自2022年3月以来,该政策一直保持不变, when the 威尼斯官网在线 威尼斯人在线官网 voted that masks would be “optional unless required in accordance with quarantine and isolation guidelines”. 2022年8月, the CDC introduced temporary masking as an alternative to quarantine for people exposed to COVID-19. Since the repeal of the universal mask mandate in March 2022, 威尼斯官网在线 has not required masking community-wide or for any situation other than isolation (for individuals with a new COVID-19 infection) or temporarily within a high-risk cohort to reduce transmission if there has been an outbreak in that cohort.


  • 对威尼斯官网在线程序进行了说明 COVID-19信息门户

  • 掩码是可选的,很少有例外. 例外情况有:

    • Individuals who have been recently diagnosed with COVID-19 who are returning to work and school after day 5 through day 10. Day “0” is the first day of symptoms, or the date of the positive test, if there are no symptoms. 工作人员 or students can end the masking period early after two negative COVID-19 tests. 

    • 在爆发的情况下, for staff or students have been exposed exposed to multiple cases in their classroom to limit further spread. Masking is one of multiple temporary prevention measures that may limit the spread in a classroom where staff or students have this increased risk for exposure and transmission. “Outbreaks” are defined by the Maryland Department of Health and are considered if three or more positive COVID-19 cases occur in a group over a specific period of time. A case investigation is conducted to determine if the cases are “epidemiologically linked”. Not all situations with three or more cases are considered outbreaks. Outbreak measures are only introduced if the cases suggest ongoing classroom transmission and pose an exposure risk to other individuals sharing the same confined indoor space. Only all-day classrooms or activities where staff and students spend long hours together are considered for elevated precautions. 

    • 的 Department of Health and Human Services determines masking rules for health rooms and school-based health clinics. 在卫生室或学校卫生所, students with active respiratory symptoms may be requested to mask by health care staff, 在医疗室接受治疗的时候. 

  • 在爆发的情况下, surgical or KN95 masks will be available for staff and student use. 

What if my student is too young to wear a mask or cannot do so because of 健康状况 or developmental disability?

  • 学生 will not be required to wear a mask if unable to safely or consistently do so due to young age, 健康状况, 或者发育性残疾.  

  • Masking is not recommended as a prevention measure in pre-K or other early childhood programs.

Can my student be excluded from school for not wearing a mask?

  • 学生 will not be excluded from school solely for not wearing a mask as a preventive health measure.  

  • 排除标准 传染病 established by the Maryland Department of Health still apply for individuals with a specific symptom (e.g.如发烧)或活动性感染(如.g.水痘).

Where can I learn more about using face coverings to prevent respiratory infections?

健康的孩子.org: 面具流言终结者:关于孩子的常见问题 & 口罩 / Rompe mitos sobre la mascarilla: preguntas frecuentes sobre el uso del tapabocas en niños

疾病预防控制中心: COVID-19 -口罩的使用和护理 / Cómo usar y guidar las mascarillas